The Project
A company was eager to gain a better understanding of how Perception Software, used for processing large amounts of data, is implemented and used for the emerging market of autonomous vehicles.
Specific Area of Interest
This client wanted to gain insights into both sides of the process, the suppliers of Perception Software and the companies that are implementing it in their vehicles, with a focus on the United States, China, and the European region. Specifically, the client wanted a deep dive on the challenges and needs of both suppliers and users of this software, for a clearer picture of the current and future demand for integrated software platforms that process data in autonomous vehicles.
Our Impact
Unlike in other cases where there is a wealth of institutional knowledge to draw from, we had to think outside the box in this particular case. We succeeded in connecting the client with a range of professionals working both to develop and implement Perception Software technology, as well as understand the current and future demand for integrative platforms that use this technology.
After speaking with several well-placed experts, the client gained a much clearer understanding of how Perception Software is viewed, the key challenges in developing it, and how the industry supply chain is organized.