The Impact of Expert Networks on Customer Experience Strategies

A customer’s decision to remain loyal to a brand is heavily influenced by their overall experience of it. Understanding and improving your client’s experience could therefore deliver substantial benefits to your business, with an impact on everything from customer satisfaction and loyalty to, ultimately, your revenue.

Let’s dive deeper into this topic to better understand customer experience strategies, the latest statistics, and why expert networks can play an important role in all of this.

What is Customer Experience (CX)?

Customer experience refers to all the relationships a consumer has with a brand, from awareness to buying decisions to loyalty or attrition. It is about how easily and how well a user was able to “attach” to the brand during the entire buying process.

A satisfied consumer typically signals a positive customer experience, however, a dissatisfied one will always result in lower sales and reputational harm.

What is A Customer Experience Strategy?

A CX strategy involves all of an organization’s objectives and activities to provide outstanding customer experiences.

More precisely, the way clients react to such interactions over time, (i.e., from a practical perspective rather than a theoretical one) defines CX. Hence, a business’s customer experience strategy relates to how it establishes its CX objectives and implements long-term plans that enable personnel to achieve or go above and beyond client expectations.

To provide outstanding customer experiences, businesses require the correct combination of planning, procedures, personnel, and resources. Thus, the CX strategy serves as the binding agent between all the components.

As well as detailing what a business will provide to its clients, an effective CX strategy also defines how, where, and when it will do so.

Here’s why having a CX strategy is important. 

  • Companies that prioritize customer experience gain an 80% boost in revenue, according to Forbes.
  • 73% of consumers state that a company’s customer experience ranks first in their decision to make a purchase, according to PwC.
  • Nearly half of those clients who decided to leave a brand to which they had previously been loyal in the last 12 months cite bad customer experience as the reason, according to Emplifi.
  • For 2024, around 80% of leading brands expressed their willingness to raise customer service budgets, according to the CX Trends Report.
  • Consumers who receive fast help to resolve an issue are 2.4 times more likely to remain loyal to a brand, according to Forrester.
  • If a retail website provides a personalized customer experience, then 88% of online buyers will most likely stick with it, according to BusinessWire.

How expert networks such as RightAngle help improve customer experience strategies

Brands have evolved significantly, moving from merely addressing specific customer issues to implementing proactive mechanisms and processes to prevent them from going elsewhere in the future.

The strategies that drive this evolution are crafted and executed by seasoned professionals. However, finding the right experts is crucial if your company aims to elevate customer satisfaction effectively.

At RightAngle, we connect companies with industry experts to provide exclusive insights that are crucial for developing and executing successful customer experience (CX) initiatives. Our goal is to help businesses enhance and streamline their CX strategies for optimal results.

Expert networks have the following effects on customer experience strategies:

1. Expert networks open access to specialized knowledge.

This is how an expert network typically works:

a) RightAngle connects companies with experts in specific, sometimes very niche fields, such as customer behavior or digital transformation.

b) The experts then provide tailored information to help businesses to obtain a deeper understanding of the requirements and expectations of their clients.

c) The insights gained can then be used to create more tailored and successful CX strategies.

2. Expert networks help obtain real-time insights and keep up with trends

The business environment is always changing, especially in the CX space. Professionals recruited by RightAngle can help businesses to stay one step ahead of the competition by helping them to be aware of the latest trends in the market.

3. Expert networks can accelerate the implementation of new CX strategies.

Businesses can expedite the adoption of new CX strategies with the assistance of knowledgeable advisors. Experts can help to identify possible risks and recommend strategies to streamline operations, minimizing the time necessary to realize the outcomes.

4. Expert networks can help improve decision-making.

RightAngle facilitates connections with professionals who can assist companies in making more informed decisions by providing objective guidance that is based on years of expertise.

5. Expert networks help obtain cross-industry insights.

Experts from a variety of industries can provide highly valuable cross-industry insights. For example, retail businesses can gain insight by learning how financial services approach client loyalty and how the healthcare industry takes on consumer feedback.

Final word

Businesses can develop more successful and responsive CX strategies by gaining access to professional expertise, real-time data, and bespoke solutions. With the help of customer experience strategies, businesses can better understand their clients, anticipate their needs, and provide top-notch experiences that foster growth and loyalty. Launch your project with RightAngle and gain a competitive advantage today.

Suggested reading:

Enhancing Crisis Management Strategies with Expert Networks

Fintech Ecosystems: Future Trends and Expert Networks Impact

The Role of Expert Networks in Navigating the Real Estate Industry

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adminThe Impact of Expert Networks on Customer Experience Strategies

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